7 Marketing Secrets for Pool Builders

Our new E-BOOK is available FREE! (But ONLY until July 14, 2015.) “7 Crucial Marketing Secrets Every Pool Builder Should Know” By Brett Lloyd Abbott, MYM Austin Inc. This should be REQUIRED READING for every pool builder on the planet.  In the works for nearly 3 years, our brand-new e-book is finally available for your […]

PayPerClick advertising just got BETTER

PPC ads will be MORE powerful if you use these new tricks. By Brett Lloyd Abbott, MYM Austin Inc. There’s apparently a lot of interest in “pay per click” advertising, based on the response I got to last week’s newsletter. So I thought I would share with you a few clever ideas that can make […]

If you’re not SWAMPED, you should be doing PPC

(My apologies to my friends/readers in the Southern Hemisphere; In JUNE, this is more of a Northern Hemisphere / “Middle of the Season” type of message. You might bookmark this for review in December!) It’s June. If you’re not as busy as you want, Then you should be looking at Google AdWords/Pay per Click/PPC By […]

Websites Need CONVERSIONS more than TRAFFIC

It makes no sense to spend $1000+ a month on advertising to send people to a website that makes them say “Nah, this ain’t the builder for me…” That’s why you should use our “Website Conversion Calculator.” It looks at a grand total of FIVE key factors that will determine 90% of your websites success. In less than 5 minutes, you’ll know whether you’ve got a website problem that’s affecting your ability to convert leads and sell more pools.

Marketing Advice for Pool Builders – 2015

Marketing Advice for Pool Builders in 2015… By Brett Lloyd Abbott, MYM Austin Inc. At the first of every year, I like to share with you my observations and recommendations of “what’s happening” in the world of marketing, and “what you should focus on” in 2015.  We have an interesting mixture of trends going on […]

For ANYONE running Pay-Per-Click Ads

Are YOU running Pay-Per-Click Ads? Or THINKING About IT? Then you need to know these SECRET TRICKS used by SUCCESSFUL PPC Experts… By Brett Lloyd Abbott, MYM Austin Inc. Three and a half years ago, I gave you some SEO and PPC advice that was PERFECTLY ACCURATE at the time, but is now WOEFULLY MISLEADING […]

MORE SEO and PPC Insights from a Pool Industry Expert

Last week I announced a FREE WEBINAR with Joseph Christoforo, a PPC and SEO expert who works exclusively in the pool industry. I can confidently state it was an OUTSTANDING webinar, loaded with excellent “insider tips” on “How to succeed with Google.” Here’s a “Cliff’s Notes” version of what we covered…

SEO and PPC – How to NOT get BURNED

Excellent “crash course” on how to improve your search engine optimization, and how to run a proper Pay per Click program that provides maximum return on investment. Includes specifics on Google’s latest update: Penguin 2.0.

Confessions of an SEO Crook

It’s normally not considered wise for a business owner to offer up the “dirty little secrets” behind their industry. But this ongoing challenge of “search engine optimization” has grown into such a monster that I think it’s time I finally come clean with it. I am an SEO crook.

What do 4 out of 5 “new pool” web-shoppers really want?

What do 4 out of 5 “new pool” web-shoppers really want? And are you leveraging this info to your advantage? By Brett Lloyd Abbott, MYM Austin Inc. A few months ago, I gave you a very specific strategy to increase your search engine rankings, and get more people to visit your website, for FREE. I told […]