Our new E-BOOK is available FREE!
(But ONLY until July 14, 2015.)

“7 Crucial Marketing Secrets Every Pool Builder Should Know”

By Brett Lloyd Abbott, MYM Austin Inc.

7 Crucial Marketing Secrets for Pool BuildersThis should be REQUIRED READING for every pool builder on the planet.  In the works for nearly 3 years, our brand-new e-book is finally available for your download and review.

I wrote this book because pool builders – like most business owners – get BOMBARDED with “advice” and “opportunities” from well-meaning but self-serving ad reps and marketing people who think THEIR product or medium or strategies or services are exactly what you need.

The problem is that most ad reps and marketing gurus don’t understand the swimming pool industry.

That’s why YOU should get this book.  When you understand and focus on these 7 secrets, you’ll have all the success you could ever hope for, AND you’ll recognize when ad reps and marketing consultants are trying to rip you off.

Just click the image (or click this link here) to download the e-book NOW, while it’s still free.

I’m making this e-book available for FREE for ONE WEEK ONLY.

Today is July 7, 2015, which means you have until July 14 to get it for free.  After that, it will require credit card to access.  So if you happen to be on vacation this week, then I’m sorry, that’s just bad luck for you.

I hope you find the contents in this book LIFE-CHANGING.  Because that’s my intent.

To your success…

Brett Abbott
MYM Austin Inc./”Marketing for Pool Builders”
877-634-8787 (18-PROFITS-UP!)

PS – If you’re a retailer or a pool service company, then SOME of these strategies won’t apply to you.  But there are still a number of  strategies and recommendations – especially in the area of social media – written specifically for you. So it’s probably worth a look for you too.

Go back to our main blog posts/newsletters page…

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  1. 7 secrets

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