Marketing Advice for Pool Builders in 2017

Here are my latest, greatest marketing recommendations for 2017… By Brett Lloyd Abbott, MYM Austin Inc. Isn’t it a relief to have the United States 2016 election year behind us?  Now we can focus on what REALLY matters, which is making more money and selling more swimming pools.  And fortunately, the rules haven’t changed a […]

Industry Inspiration and Vance Gillette

Industry Inspiration and Vance Gillette By Brett Lloyd Abbott, MYM Austin Inc. Last Thursday was a very special day for at least TWO people you know and love – myself and Vance Gillette. (Just go with me on the “love” thing for a minute, okay?) On Thursday, September 20, I had the distinct pleasure of […]

The GAVA Awards, 2011: If you’ve never entered, it’s time!

The GAVA Awards, 2011… If you’ve never entered, it’s time! By Brett Lloyd Abbott, MYM Austin Inc. I was heart-broken a few weeks ago when I read Mike Farley’s “Selling The Dream” article in the March issue of WaterShapes Magazine. Mike is a brilliant designer, and he writes interesting articles and book reviews for the […]