I’m not into logo design anymore.
So if you need a logo update, here’s what you should do.
By Brett Lloyd Abbott, MYM Austin Inc.
You’re probably accustomed to my rants in these newsletters about websites and pay per click and SEO and referrals and auto-follow-up, and lots of other important “pool builder marketing” stuff. But today I want to cover a lighter subject. It’s something that’s been bugging me all year, so I’ve got to get this off my chest.
Chalk this up to another example of “The world is changing, so I’m changing too.” You see, in the old days, you and I would slog through a long drawn-out process (sometimes 30 days or more) of you trying to describe (or figure out) what sort of logo you wanted, and me trying to translate that into something my designer could create on your behalf. And we would repeat that process over and over and over again, until SOMEDAY, when we finally came up with something you like.
Designing new logos is a huge time-consumer, and usually a money-loser for me as well. And it’s because of what I figured out many years ago:
A LOGO is like a HAIRCUT.
It’s a lot more important to YOU
than it is to anyone else.
Fortunately, I’ve found a BETTER way to help you get a new logo that you’ll love. It’s called FIVERR.com. It’s a rather fascinating website where people all over the world will provide all kinds of interesting services for only $5.
Now don’t get me wrong – I’m not suggesting that you can get a beautiful new world-class logo for only $5. But what you CAN do is get a BUNCH of clever new logo ideas for a very small investment.
I suggest you take $50,
and get 10 different “FIVERR” people
to come up with a brand new logo design for you.
Then take the one(s) you like,
and work with that (those) designer(s)
to fine tune the logo into something you love.
By the time you’re finished, you’ll have spent maybe 100 bucks or so. I’ve done this recently with several clients, and it was a MUCH better experience for all of us. (And quite frankly, it saved us BOTH some money.) So if you’re thinking about a logo change, check out FIVERR.
Of course, let’s not forget my earlier admonition, that your logo’s a lot more important to you than it is to anyone else. So it may not be necessary for you to change your logo anyway. Like a famous president once said:
“If you LIKE your logo, you can KEEP your logo.”
To your success,
Brett Abbott
MYM Austin Inc./”Marketing for Pool Builders”
877-634-8787 (18-PROFITS-UP!)
PS – I don’t get any commissions from FIVERR, or anything like that. I’m just trying to save you and me both some time and money, and help you come up with a logo you love.
2015 Brett Lloyd Abbott / MYM Austin, Inc. May not be used without permission.
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