It’s beginning to look a lot like…

By Brett Lloyd Abbott, MYM Austin Inc.

Just because I happen to look a little like the young Kris Kringle in “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town” doesn’t mean I’m Santa Claus. In fact, when it comes to commercially-hyped gift-giving for Christmas, I’m probably a little closer on the bell curve to Mr. Scrooge.

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But that doesn’t stop me from occasionally slipping in a FREE GIFT for my beloved readers. And that’s exactly what I intend to do now. This little gem is a no-brainer for anyone in the aquatics industry. I’m referring to the Pool Genius Network.

No, I’m not promoting my “Pool Genius Academy,” which actually costs money to join. I’m referring to the TOTALLY FREE networking site designed specifically for all of us in the pool industry.

When I first heard about the Pool Genius Network, I was skeptical. It looked and felt like a self-serving enterprise; I figured surely at some point they were going to try to sell me something, or use my contact info for spamming purposes. I was wrong. This is a totally and 100% free website that exists purely as a venue for all of us in this industry to connect to each other and to valuable information.

The next question that popped in my mind was, “Okay, so why should I bother?” It took a little while for me to grasp the magnitude of the power of this site. Let me save you that time and summarize what I think you’ll get out of this site:

  • Ready-access to literally thousands of experts in the industry.
  • Ready-access to a huge library of aquatics industry information and ideas covering a wide range of topics including sales, marketing, design, construction, service, chemicals, business management, employee management, legal issues, government issues, etc.
  • The ability to ask questions and start discussions on any subject directly or indirectly related to your business (or anything else).
  • Quick access to breaking industry news, including weekly updates from Aqua Magazine, APSP (SmartBriefs) and other sources.
  • Ability to post industry events on the community calendar, and track the RSVP’s.
  • Access to cutting-edge thinking on such topics as the ultra-fresh and mind-boggling “Google Wave.”
  • Links to all kinds of other resources, standards, organizations, etc.

Heck, there’s even a link that will help you translate text from one language to another.

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The site has a little summary of what’s going on:

Interestingly, in the hour or so that it took me to write this newsletter, the network added three more members. (There are some other good pool-industry networking sites out there too, including MyAPSP, Pool & Spa News, and Aquatics International. But in my opinion, the PGN is the cutting-edge granddaddy of them all.)

So again, my cheap little Scrooge-esque gift for you is to offer you a FREE MEMBERSHIP in the Pool Genius Network. (Yes, I know it’s already free. That’s why it’s “Scrooge-esque” – because I’m pretending it’s from me.) Just go to and sign up. Then ask some questions of your fellow experts. You’ll be amazed at the talent and intelligence in the answers you’ll get.

Somewhere in that network, I’ll bet you’ll find an idea or two worth thousands of dollars. And then you can thank me.

Kris Kringle (a.k.a Brett)

2009 Brett Lloyd Abbott / MYM Austin Inc. May not be used without permission.

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