Marketing Advice for Pool Builders in 2017

Here are my latest, greatest marketing recommendations for 2017… By Brett Lloyd Abbott, MYM Austin Inc. Isn’t it a relief to have the United States 2016 election year behind us?  Now we can focus on what REALLY matters, which is making more money and selling more swimming pools.  And fortunately, the rules haven’t changed a […]

Comments from the 2016 IPSPE in New Orleans

My comments from the 2016 Pool/Spa/Patio show… Before I offer any of my own observations, let me share with you a comment from one of my clients who attended the 2016 International Pool Spa Patio Expo, because I think this says it all: “I found at least 10 new products or ideas that could let […]

Free Online Directories to boost your web presence

Here are those FREE online directories I promised could boost your online presence… By Brett Lloyd Abbott, Pool Builder Marketing LLC. In my last couple of e-mails on “The 7 Crucial Marketing Secrets Every Pool Builder Should Know,” I kept promising I would send you a list of “OTHER free online directories you should take […]

Pool Builder Marketing Secret #4: SOCIAL MEDIA – You’re Doing It WRONG

Secret #4 of Pool Builder Marketing: Social Media CAN Help You… But You’re Probably Doing It Wrong. By Brett Lloyd Abbott, MYM Austin Inc. Over the last few weeks, we’ve talked about the first three of The 7 Crucial Marketing Secrets Every Pool Builder should know. Namely: Buying a Swimming Pool Is a Big Deal. […]

How’s your Houzz going to sell more pools?

Can “Houzz” help you sell more pools? Oh, you Betcha! By Brett Lloyd Abbott, MYM Austin Inc. My pool builder friends – I hope I’m not wearing you out with all this new Social Media advice. But as you know, I’m all about helping you sell more pools. And this newest social medium can help […]

Ads vs. Social vs. Word-Of-Mouth… Which works best for pool buyers?

Ads vs. Social vs. Word-Of-Mouth… Which works best for pool buyers? By Brett Lloyd Abbott, MYM Austin Inc. Let me warn you right now that the above is, at least partially, a trick question. But you’ll sell more pools if you understand and appreciate the differences between advertising, social media and “word-of-mouth.” And helping you […]