The 3 Secrets of Swimming Pool Marketing…

The 3 Secrets of Swimming Pool Marketing… By Brett Lloyd Abbott, Pool Builder Marketing LLC A couple of years ago, I wrote a 42-page e-book called “7 Crucial Marketing Secrets Every Pool Builder Should Know.” I went into fairly lengthy detail regarding…well… the seven crucial marketing secrets that I think every pool builder should know. […]

Selling Pools: “You Had Me at Hello”

Here’s another tip to help designers sell more pools… By Brett Lloyd Abbott, Pool Builder Marketing LLC Over the last 10 years or so, I’ve discovered a curious, magical phenomenon that frequently occurs in the process of selling a swimming pool. One of my clients succinctly described it as “You Had Me at Hello.” He’s referring […]

Signing up for Skipio is the smartest thing you can do right now

Here’s why I think signing up for Skipio is the smartest thing you can do right now… By Brett Lloyd Abbott, Pool Builder Marketing LLC By now, it should be obvious to everyone that “online reviews” are having WAY more influence than we ever thought they would. I stand by my previous comments, that “online […]

Get inside the Minds of Today’s Swimming Pool Buyers

Get Inside The Minds of Today’s Swimming Pool Buyers… By Brett Lloyd Abbott, Pool Builder Marketing LLC In 2015, The Association of Pool and Spa Professionals (APSP) initiated a research program with the world-famous Gallup organization to find out why U.S. pool owners bought their pools, and – more importantly – why non-pool owners DIDN’T […]

2017 Digital Marketing Habits to Break (MAYBE….)

Here is SOMEONE ELSE’S marketing advice… (And MY modifications for POOL BUILDERS) By Brett Lloyd Abbott, MYM Austin Inc. Normally, I write my own articles, but I recently read an article from digital marketing expert Ilana Plumer regarding “5 Digital Marketing Habits You Should Ditch in 2017,” and I couldn’t help but comment. Ilana is a smart […]

Marketing Advice for Pool Builders in 2017

Here are my latest, greatest marketing recommendations for 2017… By Brett Lloyd Abbott, MYM Austin Inc. Isn’t it a relief to have the United States 2016 election year behind us?  Now we can focus on what REALLY matters, which is making more money and selling more swimming pools.  And fortunately, the rules haven’t changed a […]

Comments from the 2016 IPSPE in New Orleans

My comments from the 2016 Pool/Spa/Patio show… Before I offer any of my own observations, let me share with you a comment from one of my clients who attended the 2016 International Pool Spa Patio Expo, because I think this says it all: “I found at least 10 new products or ideas that could let […]

2016 International Pool, Spa, Patio EXPO

Are you attending the 2016 International Pool, Spa, Patio EXPO in New Orleans this week? Then stop by Booth 539 and say HELLO! My wife Naomi and I are usually busy teaching classes at the IPSPE, but THIS year we chose to host a BOOTH on the convention floor instead. So if you’re headed to […]

GOOGLE is moving forward with their “SEO OBLITERATION” plans…

As predicted, GOOGLE is moving forward with their “SEO OBLITERATION” plans… By Brett Lloyd Abbott, MYM Austin Inc. Back in January, I told you about the new “Google Home Services” experiment that was taking place in San Francisco.  It started with PLUMBERS, MAIDSand LOCKSMITH services, but was expected to expand to ALL cities and ALL […]

Online Reviews Are More Important Than You Think

Who would’ve thought that ONLINE REVIEWS would be more important than CAPABILITIES, REPUTATION & EXPERIENCE? By Brett Lloyd Abbott, MYM Austin Inc. About a year ago, I wrote about a trend we were seeing, that online reviews had become “the nitroglycerin of online marketing.”  They were now extremely powerful, which meant they could be VERY […]