Secret #5 of Pool Builder Marketing:
Nurture Your Prospects to BUY from YOU…

By Brett Lloyd Abbott, MYM Austin Inc.

I’m taking a momentary break from my video newsletter series to wrap up our discussions of “7 Crucial Marketing Secrets Every Pool Builder Should Know. So far, we’ve discussed the fact that:

  1. Buying a Swimming Pool Is a Big Deal.
  2. To the Average Homeowner, You Look Just like Everyone Else.
  3. Your Online Image Is A Lot More Important Than You Think.
  4. Social Media Can Help, But You’re Probably Doing It Wrong.

Today we’re going to talk about what is, in my opinion, the single most powerful marketing secret you could ever hope to harness. It is also – paradoxically – either the BEST KEPT or WORST EXECUTED secret of marketing. Because even though it’s kind of a no-brainer, “DUH, that’s a good idea” concept, almost NOBODY does it. Which, by the way, is one of the reasons it’s so powerful. I’m referring to the simple concept of FOLLOW-UP.

Now before you get ahead of me, and think “Oh I’ve got this nailed,” let me clarify a couple of things:

  • I’m not talking about the rudimentary act of “having your sales rep follow-up with cold leads.” That’s a manual process that (a) only hits a small number of your prospects, (b) gets abandoned as soon as the sales reps get busy, and (c) isn’t really all that effective anyway.
  • And seriously, almost NOBODY does it effectively, so chances are EXCELLENT that you’re not doing it nearly as well as you should.

And let me ALSO emphasize that when I say “7 Crucial Marketing Secrets Every Pool Builder Should Know,” I really do mean CRUCIAL. Here’s why.

First of all, we know that the decision to consider and eventually purchase a swimming pool is not an overnight event.  Most people spend many months if not years dreaming about and evaluating this decision. So to think that “a few weeks of follow-up” is going to have a big impact is simply delusional.

Secondly, because people spend so many years THINKING about a pool before buying, that means there is a HUGE number of “future buyers” in the market, compared to the small handful of “now buyers” who are ready to purchase. Most of those “future buyers” are NOT looking for any interaction with a sales rep. They’re just looking for useful information that will help them on their long journey of becoming more educated about buying a pool.

Which leads to the 3rd reason your follow-up is so vitally important. If a “future buyer” visits your website and request some free info from you, and then finally 18 months later, decides they’re ready to move forward with their pool project, who are they going to call? Well, if they haven’t heard or seen anything from you in 18 months, then they’re probably not going to call you. More likely, they’ll call whichever pool builder has been in communication with them most recently and most regularly.

Conversely, if you started maintaining an e-mail and/or direct-mail relationship with this future buyer over that same 18 month period, then 2 things would happen:

  1. First, they would be much more inclined to think of YOU first.
  2. But secondly, and more importantly, they would KNOW a lot more about you – even though maybe you’ve never had a conversation – because of all the information you’ve sent via e-mail and/or postcards.

So the 4th reason you should implement follow-up with future buyers is to help “warm up” and “ripen” these prospects to the point where they’re ready to buy.

And now the 5th reason– By proactively nurturing your relationships with all these “future buyers,” you’re building a pipeline of new leads who are much more likely to call YOU when they are ready to buy. That means they will likely IGNORE all of your competitors, which you must admit is nothing short of A DREAM COME TRUE when it comes to marketing.

That’s why I said in the first place that this is potentially the most powerful marketing secret you could ever harness.

So if this concept of “follow-up” is so gosh darn great, why doesn’t everyone do it?

Well frankly speaking, it’s hard. It’s hard to find someone on your team who can and will CONSISTENTLY make the time to scratch out a thoughtful note or shoot out a compelling e-mail to all these future buyers. Receptionists and sales managers get busy, and you certainly shouldn’t expect your sales people to do it, because “future buyers” are just a distraction from what salespeople SHOULD be doing, which is meeting with “NOW buyers.”

That’s why you have to come up with a system that is AUTOMATED. As Michael Gerber famously states in the E-Myth:

“In order for any business to succeed, it must first become a SYSTEM, so that the business functions exactly the same way every time, down to the last detail.”

If you’re ready to systematize and automate your follow-up with prospects, the first step is to purchase an e-mail system such as AWeber, Constant Contact or Vertical Response. These systems will allow you to create a special “contact us” webform which you (or your website person) can install on your website. Then whenever a prospect makes an inquiry through your website, all of their contact info will automatically be loaded into your database the moment they sign up.

The next step is to create a series of helpful e-mails which will be automatically delivered to these new prospects over the next 3 to 6 months, or whatever time frame you choose. Writing can be challenging, so to help you avoid writer’s block, I suggest you try to put together some e-mails based on any or all of the following subjects:

  • “Thank you for your request!” (to be sent immediately after the inquiry)
  • “Here’s how a modern pool can take care of itself.”
  • “Here’s why a new pool costs less to own.”
  • “Look at what people are doing to their backyards today…”
  • “Here’s how to choose the right pool builder…”
  • “Have you seen these unusual swimming pool features?”
  • “Here’s why swimming pool owners tend to be healthier than everyone else.”
  • “Have you met our owner?”
  • “Don’t think we’ve forgotten about you…”

Now if you’re really serious about automating your follow-up, you could ALSO add a series of postcards or other direct-mail pieces to your process. But you’ll have to choose an e-mail system that also has direct-mail capabilities, which is somewhat rare. Three systems that I know of include Infusionsoft, Vertical Response and eSentAll. (Infusionsoft is highly capable, but also rather expensive. eSentAll is much more reasonably priced, and provides most of the features you’ll want.)

Bottom line – setting up an automatic follow-up system is complicated and challenging, but that’s also one of the reasons it’s so incredibly powerful. If you can harness “Crucial Pool Builder Marketing Secret #5,” you’ll have a huge advantage over all your competition.

To your success…

©2014 Brett Lloyd Abbott / MYM Austin, Inc. May not be used without permission.

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One Response to “Pool Builder Marketing Secret #5: Nurture Prospects to Buy from YOU”

  1. That was fantastic in so many ways. I don’t know where to begin but very well stated, Brett.
    I look forward to seeing you in FL.
    Appreciate you, always.


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